Western Imperialism (1800-1914)

START HERE - Introduction

Between 1800 and 1914, various Western nations carried out policies of imperialism, in which they sought to control the political, economic, and social life of countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.  Three key factors led to the rise of imperialism: competition among Western countries for more territory (which lead to hositilities that helped cause World War I), their demand for raw materials and new markets due to the Industrial Revolution, and feelings of cultural superiority that influenced Western peoples to impose their cultures on distant lands (Social Darwinism).

Unit To-Do List:

1.  Read chapter 16 and answer bell work quizzes as you go (you can do this in your head to simply check for understanding).

2. Read the PowerPoint notes.  Guided notes are available if you would like to use them.

3.  Read the supplemental text and watch the supplemental videos as you come across the material in the text.

4.  Watch the film, Avatar, and identify similiarities between the movie and the material in this unit.  Have fun!  It is about imperialism.