WebTMA is the Work Request / Work Order software program that LPS uses to track all the maintenance requests for the District. ONLY LPS staff authorized to be Requestors in the system will be allowed access to WebTMA. This video series is required for all Requestors.
Provides instruction on how to access WebTMA from the LPS web site as well as how to correctly log in and out of WebTMA.
Provides instruction on how to allow pop-up windows. By allowing pop-up windows users are able to view multiple windows within WebTMA at one time.
Provides instruction and details on how to use the WebTMA Home page. MyPage contains your working area, consisting of Tabs, Links, and Gauges.
Provides instruction on how to enable the New Window feature. The New Window feature is helpful when the listing of work orders is displayed and you want to select several work orders to view.
Provides instruction on where to find the Navigation tabs. The Navigation tabs are used to quickly view work order gauges and links to frequently used web sites and/or documents.
Provides instruction and definitions of the symbols and icons used throughout WebTMA.
Provides instruction on how to add, edit, or delete documents and/or photos to the work request or work order.
Provides instruction on how to view tracking information on the work order.
Provides instruction on entering a work request for alterations to LPS property or for reimbursable material costs.
Provides instruction on entering a work request for any type of damage or vandalism to LPS property.
Provides instruction on entering a work request for general maintenance repairs, reporting environmental or insect concerns, or ordering supplies.
Provides instruction on entering a work request for equipment in need of repair.
Provides instruction on searching for, and viewing, a work order.
Provides instruction on how to print a work request or a work order.
NOTE: You will need to be signed into Google Drive to access the questionnaire. From the LPS website, enter the key word portal. From the portal, click on Google Drive.
After viewing the WebTMA tutorial videos, please click here to access the WebTMA questionnaire.
Following WebTMA training please refer any questions to the WebTMA secretary, Samatha Ferguson at ext. 82005 or Dan Wild at ext. 82008.