Personal Responsibility

Classroom Guidance

Grades 2nd-3rd




Taking personal responsibility for choices



How are you feeling right now?

Questions Before you Begin


  • What does it mean to do the right thing?
  • Who can help you make good choices?
  • Should you be personally responsible for your choices? Why?

Building Background


What is personal responsibility?


It means accepting your decisions due to your own choices and actions.   What does personal responsibility look like to you? 


When you have personal responsibility, you don't react to the things around you. You have self-control, self-motivation, and you know right from wrong.


What are some steps in accepting personal responsibility?

  1. Making good choices in your life.

  2. You are responsible for how you feel or think. 

  3. You choose the direction for your life.

  4. Do not  blame others for the choices you have made.

Watch I Can't Find My Whatchamacallit!!


Questions after Watching


  • What was Cletus' problems?
  • Why was this a problems for Cletus?
  • Who was more responsible for their belongings "whatchamacallits," Cletus or Bocephus?
  • Do you take care of your personal belongings "whatchamacallits?" How? If you don't, what could you do differently?  



Responsibility Matching Challenge


Materials needed: Print and cut out cards below


Game Expectations:

Shuffle the cards and place facedown in a 6x8 grid. Take turns trying to find matches by turning over 2 cards.  When you find a match, take those cards and try again. If you don't find a match, it is the next player's turn. Good luck!


Check for Understanding


  • What are the rewards and benefits in doing the right thing?
  • Who can help you with making good choices and taking personal responsibility when you may have difficulties making a decision?

Mindful Moment

Mind Yeti


Butterfly Body Scan


1.  Sit or lie down comfortably with your eyes closed.  Breathe naturally, noticing how it feels to breathe in and out.


2.  Now imagine a buttefly that's light as a feather.  It can be any color you like.  Take a moment and picture the butterfly in your mind.


3.  Imagine your butterfly is hovering nearby.  We're going to pretend that the magic butterfly rests on different parts of our body, and when it lands, that part of our body feels relaxed and pleasant.


4.  Let's start with our foreheads.  Imagine your forehead relaxes when the butterfly rests on it.


5.  Imagine the butterfly moves from your forehead to one of your shoulders,  Your shoulder relaxes while the butterfly rests on it.  Continue this with different parts of your body.


6.  Now, relax your whole body and rest, feeling the rythm of your breathing.


7.  When you are ready, sit up slowly and reach your hands to the sky.  Take a deep breath in and lower your arms as you breathe out.