Social Awareness

Classroom Guidance

Grades PreK-1st




Recognizing that others have feelings (empathy)



How are you feeling right now?

Question Before you Begin


  • How can you tell what someone else is feeling?

Building Background


Today we are going to talk about social awareness. Remember last time we said that awareness means to learn about someone or something. Today we have a new word, social. Social just means being around people. We are going to learn something about the people around us. Can we tell what other people are thinking or feeling, even when we don’t talk to them? How can we tell?


We can look at someone’s face or body to see how they are feeling. Let me show you. How am I feeling if I do this. (sad face and body language)


Yep, I’m sad. What about this? (Continue a few more times with excitement, anger, and scared)


Now we are going to watch something that is going to show us a little bit more.

Watch "Color your World with Kindness"

Watch We're All Wonders


Questions after Watching


  • How are we the same?
  • How are we different?
  • How was the boy different in the story?
  • Is it okay to be different?  Why or why not?



Emotions Charades



  • Cut out each of the emotion cards.
  • Fold up emotion cards and put them in a bowl or on the table for students to choose from. 
  • Choose a student or group of students to act out a selected emotions. while the other students guess the emotion.


Discussion Questions:

  • Why is it important to be able to understand facial and body clues?
  • Why is it important to know how other people are feeling?
  • What new emotion have you learned?

Check for Understanding


  • What does the word empathy mean?
  • How can I tell what someone else is feeling?

Mindful Moment

Mind Yeti

Imaginary Hugs


1.  What does it feel like to hug someone you care about?  Is someone you'd like to hug isn't with you, can you give them an imaginary hug anyway?  Let's try it!


2.  Sit with your back straight and your body relaxed, resting your hands gently on your knees, and close your eyes if you feel comfortable doing so.  Let's take a few breaths together.


3.  Imagine a peaceful place that you would like to visit with your friends and family.  It can be a place you know, a place you've never been, or an imaginary place.


4.  Now let's send friendly wishes to ourselves.  Give yourself a big hug., imagine you're having fun in your peaceful place, and silently say something like this:  I hope I have a great day.  I hope I have lots of fun playing with my friends.


5.  Next we're going to give someone we love an imaginary hug.  Make your arms into a circle in front of your chest and think of someone you'd like to hug.  Imagine that he or she is with you in your peaceful place and that you're hugging each other.  Then silently say something like this:  I hope you are happy and have a great day.  I hope you have what you need.


6.  Are there more people you would like to hug and invite to your peaceful place?  Open your arms wide enough so that everyone can fit.  Picture all of them smiling and laughing and imagine you're giving each other a big hug.  Then silently send friendly wishes.


7.  With arms stretched out wide, imagine that the whole planet is a peaceful place and that you are hugging the planet as you silently say something like this:  I hope everyone is happy today.  I want all of us to be healthy and safe and to feel peaceful and content.


8.  Now open your eyes.  Reach your hands high up to the sky as you take a big breath in, and as you breathe out, lower your hands to your knees.