Optimistic Thinking
Classroom Guidance
Grades 4th-5th
Students will develop a positive attitude toward work and learning.
Building Background
The reason this lesson is important is because when you are an adult someday, you are going to do things that are difficult for you. But what I want you to remember is that if something is difficult or hard for you, you will be able to overcome that difficulty if you stay positive and keep trying.
Watch "Optimism"
Discuss After watching
Read the following poem and discuss how it relates to optimistic thinking.
Paper Airplane
Materials needed: Colored paper, trash cans, timer
Game Expectations:
Students have 1 minute to make a paper airplane. When I say launch, they have 1 minute to get it into the trash can. They can try as many times as they like within that one minute. The person who gets it into the trash can the most, wins.